Friday, July 29, 2011

where are you?

hey, where are you exactly? masih dengan perangai lamakah? deactivate semua laman sosial and handphone will be always in off mode? erm...and like i used to be, i'll be waiting. btw, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan!!!!!!!!!!(^_^)

syawal mikhael

oh, i just can't wait to update the latest post. my sis did nagging to me. she said i can do other things but couldn't finishing my assignments yet. well..she knows me better, a lazy younger sister (^_^). OKAIY! almost a month i stay at my sis's home. enjoying all my days with my little pumpkin, syawal mikhael. he makes my day. never feel bored when i'm with him. dia dah pandai buat perangai sekarang. i do see him jalan terkatik2 mule2 start jalan dulu and now he is able to run. he knows how to kick a ball okaiy!! just like his father. love soccer tapi kalo orang jerit GOL!!! kuat2 kompem nanges. terkejut. Muke legend, hati jambu.ceh~

now, he knows how to hold a phone especially when we said hello. cepat2 amik phone letak kat telinga. giler cute! and the most important habit that has been developed, he loves to slap me. i have been slapped by him more than 10 times a day. huh! tahan aje la..hehe!=p

see how he's holding the phone. he's cute kan??(^_^)

those pics kat bawah ni plak yang maksu rase very cute and adorable tuk dipaparkan (^_^). got lots of his pics tp takkan nak upload semue kan...=p i said before, almost a month i live here kan but thas was the first time diorang bawak maksu pergi taman. konon2 nak bawak mikhael beriadah la kan. tap maksu dy yang lebih duk snap2 gambo. siap tengok orang memancing lagi. maksu dapat main buayan tau! before duduk tu, i did ask my bro in law,"mampu ke buayan ni nak support dik". maklumla...badan makin mengembang. of couse la mampu kan kalo tak, takde makna nye ade gambo pic maksu naik buayan dengan gembiranya!!! weeee!!!!!!!!!!! gambo mikhael naik buayan lain kali maksu letak.hahha!=p just happy to enjoy my day with him.

finally...i admit, like my sis always said, "maksu bias". i love this my lil pumpkin very much more than other nieces and nephews. so, i'll be just like this (^_^)

oh, already 1am. got to sleep, bye!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


it had been a long time i never been to funfair. ermm..about 15 years i think. so many had change. kalau dulu it was very happening and so many things to be played but now, semua macam kusam. dah tak best. nak main pon macam tak menarek. the attractiveness already gone. at the first place, pegi funfair baru2 ni cadangnye nak amik pics bebanyak since waktu kecik2 dulu pegi funfair tapi satu gambo pon tak penah amik kan. tapi i just took 2 pics because yang lain semua tak menarek.

and see! how huge i became only in 3 months. owh...i got bigger and bigger. i'm fat but i'm cute (self esteem kene tinggi okaiy! =p).

Monday, July 25, 2011

broken heart

pics are copied form (^_^)

BROKEN HEART. you may take days, weeks, months, even years to heal it. it is very fragile yet you have to take a very good care of it. be someone who are really grateful when someone gives you their heart. if you are ready to commit with heart matters, then be ready to commit with other's life seriously.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

cameron highland

parts of my bajet pics!!=p

its been a long time i had been dreaming to go there. i thought i never make it. it was kind of shock when my sis told me that they will bring me to cameron highland. quite excited actually since my first and last time i went there when i was 14. so, i told them i do not want to miss anything there. however, since we only had less than 12 hours, so we didn't make it to go every single place. fortunately, we managed to spend some times at tea farms and strawberry farm. it was an ecstatic feeling!! thousands appreciation to my sis and bro in law. both of you rock!!! (^_^)

Oh, Marlini Mesran!!!!!! i did buy strawberry with chocolate but the taste of strawberry itself was more delicious lah!!=) btw, thanx for the suggestion. hehe! erm...i had motion sickness on the way to cameron and back from there. Did stop for awhile and threw out everything. huh!!

i really enjoyed myself there..(^_^) and the most thing i love, i got soo many strawberries!!!! love it so much lah!!!

p/s: ni mcm essay english la. dah lupe dah boombastic words.hahha! simple word je la yg mampu.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

a post

Arrrrggghhhhhh!!!! selalu tak commit bebetol dengan my luvly blog ni. banyak kesah sebenarnya. rasa macam hari2 nak update tapi of course la saya amat malas kan. so, last Tuesday i searched for a job. i did go to secret recipe, pizza hut, mcD, KFC and 7e. tapi saya anto dua je form. kasi kat 7e and mcD. yang lain tiada kekosongan dan ade juge yang saya tak minat. so, kelmarin 7e ade la panggil interview for d job. i did go tapi tak rase nak keje bila tarantantang lagi terbentang i need to handle with alcohol thing. saya tak rase saya seorang yang amat terdesak untuk berkerja and earn money dengan melibatkan diri dengan benda2 tu. lagi pon i need to wait for a week for the result. habis cuti macam tu je. so, i decided just to stay at home and fokus pada homework yang ada.

oh, arini saya ditinggalkan berseorangan di rumah. bukan taknak ikot my sis n bro in law ke tanjong piandang tapi diorang mesti nak menyinggah di rumah mak bapak diorang kan. so, daripada nanti saya tercongok tak tahu nak buat apa, baiklah saya manghabiskan masa bermain tenet di rumah tanpa gangguan syawal mikhael.hehe! jurnal pon boleh dibuat dengan tenang. oh, ini kalo rajin nak mengadap lah! hee~ saya memanglah anak bongsu yang cengeng lagi manja dan of course lah penakut ditinggalkan sorang2 but hello!!! i'm 23 years old okaiy!! next year dah nak turn to 24 dah. kalo orang tua2 mesti cakap dah boleh jadi bini orang dah. tapi hakikatnya tak boleh lagi....saya belom matang sepenuhnye.hehe! (pengakuan eksklusif neh!)as a conclusion, saya memang boleh jaga diri sorang2. (^_^)

ermm..semalam i did browse all the pics in my phone. yang lama n baru semua saya tengok. then, terpandang satu pic ni tros terlepas cakap kuat2 "rindunye kat dy...". unconsciously okaiy!. adoi~ bahaya2!!!nasib baik my sis je yg dengar.kui3! lambat lagi ni nak jumpa. bersabar2. but i have a big problem here and bahaya tuk di'state'kan di sini. biar saya simpan sorang2 lah masalah ni. it just a matter of time either it will be okay or not. i'll accept whatever it is gladly (ye ke??).

btw, i need something to cheer me up!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

saya dapat update blog

waa....dah seminggu tak update. duk kampung takde tenet. main tenet pon menumpang, tak kan nak update blog bagai kan...hehe! saya kembali lagi di KL. but just for a day la. esok malam bakal berangkat ke teluk intan. konon2 niat nak berkerja di sana tapi sebenarnye saya banyak rindu wo00 sama saya punya pumpkin. budak sorang ni takleh tak jumpa lama2. nanti angin dy berubah. cian maksu dy nak berusaha menagih kasih sayang drpd dy lagi kan. bukan senang. mentang2 ade aset baik punye budak ni, berlagak wo000. stranger anxiety.

seminggu ni saya kat rumah membantu memasak dan jika angin rajin datang, saya akan mengemas rumah. malangnya angin rajin saya amatlah jarang2.hehe. ermm...oh, a week ni both of my eyes kene infection. tapi yang remain tak sihat2 lagi the right side. macam ketumbit je saya tengok. sakit wo000. saya tak ngintai orang tut tut pon tapi nape kene infection ni. dah la both sides. sadis betol. mesti saya ade tengok bende tak senonoh. that's why Allah nak balas. huu~

arrr...!!!my schoolmate yg dulunye kire Gerik mate jugak la dah pon selamat kahwin. suami isteri bertitle doctor. wulahuuu!!!! saya bile pulak ek?? lambat lagi ke?? hahha!! mode gedix tetibe menyerang.gagaga~ btw, senior sekolah rendah saya pon dah kahwin. ensem gak suami dy. oh, saya tak senonoh usha laki orang!! terok btol. one of my friends cakap kalo nak jaga baka tuk dapat anak comey2 kena dapat suami yang ensem or cute miut dulu. hehhe!! sape2 yang rase dy ensem or cute jangan la malu2 berkenalan ngan saya. saya nak jaga baka jugak.haha! saya SENGAL~~ ni la akibatnya kalo sekali dah dapat update blog. macam2 nak dikarutkan.hehe!


oh, saya dapat update blog lagi.yeay!!!!^^

Friday, July 1, 2011


Just love and like the way they taught us (^_^)

Then, i promise i'll be a really good Audiologist. Somehow, this is what i chose <3<3<3