duit oh duit!!!! where are you. please come!!! i'm here. always waiting for you. oh, please always be available just for my sake. eh, hello!!! if just by saying those words, money can automatically appears in front of you, no need PTPTN la babe. no need PAMA sponsorship lah. just shout and ask for the money and it will fly straight away to your face. isy! *starting to be lunatic again. aiya~
"sigh"just got back from TC. actually i intended to upload several photos at TC just now,but since the internet connection is not so good lets just forget about it. don't worry too much, just imagine my chubby but cute little face posing daringly but with polite at this screen.hehehe! what had been discussed there? lots of thing. too many things to recall. obviously...we are girls okaiy. (^_^) even we started with a simple and little thing, we had the ability to make it wide, wider, widest??? lets use a simple sentence and easier to understand, we love gosipping. thats all! khalas, no need more elaboration about that. we can start the conversation beginning with school life until U life. non stop. no need to feel weird, girls are girls.
okaiy! now, i'm updating my blog with my head thinking of my unfinished slides for my research progress presentation. i had a blasting holidays without even touched any assignment and enjoyed my days optimally.now, back to my usual days which everyday worrying about the assignments, clinics and so on but no any action was taken. how impressive! and how ecstatic my life is. *i hate typing
and because i tend to type
nad. why??? okaiy, just a commercial break. hehe! =p
btw, alone at room seriously giving me a calmness. no need to watch my roommates study or whatsoever. i can do whatever i want without affected by them. *i'm psycho. i know. the feeling may be affected but still... me is just like me. when i feel like wanna do i'll do. otherwise, the answer is no. or i'll deviate. maybe i finished less than 20%. despicable me. *dumb T_T
to my both friends, a thousand apologize from me. i seriously can't attend your wedding. i'm a jobless student with less and lesser money. so, please do understand my condition. and since my habit of doing and preparing all the chores, things, assignments so last minute i don't think i'll manage to attend. sorry again. but please do come for my wedding. *calon please~ hik3!=p i should stop here i think. i feel like my brain is deteriorating. exaggerated word is used. does it suitable??? nope...should be the function of my brain is deteriorating. ok, good needa! keep up your good job in English. keep writing even sometimes you used wrong words and grammar. *sudden self motivated.
ok, assalamualaikum.
p/s: please do reply yaw!! *muka penuh berharap =p